How to Send Emails That Your Subscribers Will Love

• 6 minutes READ

To develop a strong business, you must develop a good relationship with clients. This doesn’t just mean promoting an excellent product or service. It is also important to stay in touch once the sale is complete.

One way of doing this is to send customers regular email newsletters. If you want to offer the most value, carefully design emails to meet your customers’ needs.

This will help you offer value. Customers receive hoards of email every day, so you want to make yours stand out. This will help you to develop a deeper bond with your clients, encourage them to reach out and even increase sales.

How would you offer value to your clients using email newsletters? Follow these tips.

Create a Catchy Subject Line

How to Send Emails that Your Subscribers will Love

Many of your clients receive or send up to 140 emails a day! The sheer volume creates a need to pick and select the most interesting to read. This decision is often made at a glance. As a result, you’ll want yours to stand out. Creating a catchy title will grab your reader’s attention.

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Design your title around the contents of the newsletter. Once you’ve grabbed your reader’s attention, keep your promise by providing the information they were searching for.

Your subject line is about appealing to readers’ curiosity. If your letter meets your reader’s needs, you’ll build trust, and your reader will be more likely to click on your emails again in the future.

When you’re creating a subject line, you’re enticing your reader to engage. The most effective subject lines are short and simple (no more than 50 characters). You can use emotion, action, urgency, current offers or a trendy topic to encourage your readers to engage. Make it personal by speaking to readers.

Keep It Simple

Send Emails

Keep your information clear and easy to understand. Readers don’t have a great deal of time. Content should be brief and easy to scan. You can use bullet points, headers, quotes and subheadings to break up information.

Write in short sentences. This will keep content simple. Carefully edit every email before sending it. Remove unnecessary wording so that readers get precise information. This will make emails informative but easy to understand.

Create a Conversation

Friendly newsletters which speak directly to users are more likely to be read. While you write, imagine you are talking to a friend. If you let your personality shine through, you’ll create a bond with email recipients.

When you use a friendly tone, you’re creating a conversation. We all love hearing news from a trusted friend. Your readers are no different.

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Offer Relevant Information

Offer relevant information

Readers will enjoy your emails if you provide them with relevant information. You could share what is new in the industry or offer solutions to problems. Offer value to keep them engaged.

You want readers to feel excited when receiving your mail. As a result, keep the bulk of the email informative. Sales or promotions should be kept to a minimum. Reserve 70 to 90 percent of your email for great content. If you focus on relevance, readers will be more likely to share posts.

Make the Call to Action Clear

Email call to action

In each newsletter, include a call to action which lets readers know what to do next. A call to action includes the opportunity to subscribe to a web conference, take part in an online course or download an e-book. Clicking a call to action button takes time. As a result, you need to share a benefit for this action.

A call to action button lets readers know how to proceed. Therefore, want it to stand out from surrounding information. Use a bright color to highlight your call to action.

Alternatively, you could use strong contrast to attract attention to the call to action button. In the examples below is an HTML template email generated by Postcards.

Postcards - Create HTML Emails

Keeping your button easy to use will enhance the viewer’s experience. Many of your viewers will use mobile phones to read mail. As a result, you’ll want your call to action to be big enough to click on using a thumb.

Keep your call to action separate from any other links you’ve provided. This will users click the correct link.

Wording on your CTA button should be simple and concise. Tell users what to do and how to do it.

Make It Personal

Keep it personal

Newsletters should create an extended conversation between you and the reader. You want readers to see your email as warm and relevant.

When writing, always do so as yourself. You might represent your company, but a mail from a corporation is always going to sound impersonal. You want your reader to hear from a person rather than a business.

Give Readers the Opportunity to Reply

Give your reader the opportunity to reply

Engaging readers in a conversation is a two-way process. Readers may want to respond to an email. By creating the opportunity to reply, you’re building a relationship.

By creating a unique email address, and ensuring this address is monitored, it’s easier to engage with readers. Answer questions and support customers. Reader feedback will also enable you to see how your message is being received.

When sending out an email, it’s crucial not to use a no-reply email address. This can prevent further engagement.

Be Exciting

Be exciting

Readers will love entertaining and exciting newsletters. An entertaining mail will help you stand out. It will also encourage readers to click on the next email during a dull or uninteresting moment.

Use your creativity and allow yourself to stand out. Share personal expertise, use humor or share your interests or passions. If you send unique and interesting content, your emails will stand out.

You should also make sure that your energy shows in the newsletter layout. Don’t use a boring design. Opt for something modern, something that your subscribers will like seeing, and something that makes the reading experience exciting.

To do that, you can use a product like Postcards. It’s easy for you to create a newsletter layout and subscribers will love the modern and great looking design.

Keep subscribers interested in what is coming next by introducing a topic you share in your next email. Leave your subscribers wanting more. End the email with a cliffhanger, so readers eagerly await the next installment.

By whetting their interest, you’ll keep your readers wanting more.

Think About Timing

Take some time to consider when to send emails. There are often no simple or easy rules to ensure you get the best response. You could send emails out at different times of the day or even on the weekend and see what gets the best results.

Alternatively, set a specific schedule (such as Saturday morning) to send all communications.

That perfect time might depend on your clientele. Are they busy career people? Do they work from home? Would your email be a part of their workday or would they prefer to read it over a pastry and a cup of coffee? Tailoring your timing to customer needs will give you the best results.


Email newsletters enable you to develop and maintain relationships with clients. When you send email newsletters, you’re seeking to create friendly conversation and encourage dialogue.

This will form an essential part of your marketing strategy. You’ll stay in touch with your clients’ needs. You’ll also create loyal customers by offering warmth and the possibility to explore new information.

Bogdan Sandu

Bogdan is a designer and editor at DesignYourWay. He's reading design books the same way a hamster eats carrots and talks all the time about trends, best practices, and design principles.

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