The Peak Point of eCommerce and SaaS – the Credit Card Payment Form If you’re selling something online, you know it’s not the easiest thing to do. You need to find a prospective customer, present your product in a good …
A typical sign-up form contains a couple of form fields (it seems like the most popular number nowadays is 3: e-mail, password and a peculiar “repeat password”) and a button. Is there anything to design in this minimalistic structure? Isn’t …
A couple of years ago I realised that a lot of my IT, non-designer, friends were using the names of my beloved design deliverables synonymously. They assumed that a wireframe, prototype and mockup are exactly the same thing – a …
I have a small theory that I’d like to share with you – great typography equals design maturity. Web designers, until a couple of years ago, weren’t paying nearly enough attention to typography. When the whole field matured – typography …
In this article Marcin Treder of UXPin – The UX Design App explains the principles of optimizing design process and spreading a design-centered culture across the organization. If you want to learn more on theory and practice of delivering remarkable …
Navigation is among the most important pieces of every single website. No content would be reachable without properly designed navigation that answers the questions “where am I?” and “where can I go from here?”. We got used to either a …
This episode is special as instead of going through web and mobile apps Marcin explains the meanders of Google Glass Design – the first meaningful wearable computer. 1. Glass? Why should I care? When I heard about the Google Glass …
A couple of years ago I saw Twitter’s form validation for the first time and I was absolutely amazed. User Interface nerds among you probably know what I’m talking about. At the time we were almost jumping with excitement. The …
Welcome to the last part of our course on wireframing and documenting design. Hope you’ve enjoyed the course – I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback. Today, to sum up the course and finish it on a playful note, we’ll …
This is the third part of our online course on wireframing and creating design documentation efficiently. In the first part you learnt what the difference between common design deliverables is: wireframes, mockups and prototypes. I hope you will enjoy the …