Collection of Free Preloaders and Loading Animated Spinners

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Waiting is an annoying thing, whether it happens on a website, mobile application, or in real life. Not only does it frustrate people, but it also leads to some unpleasant consequences.

According to recent studies, 1 in 4 visitors will abandon a website if it takes more than 4 seconds to wait, almost 50% of users do not revisit websites that make them waiting and every second of delay reduces customer satisfaction by nearly 16%.

In a word, the longer a webpage takes to load, the more its bounce rate will increase and the fewer customers you will onboard. This small delay makes a huge difference and becomes an obstacle in your path to success. Speed is crucial.


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To make matters worse, we can’t avoid loading time. With all the extravagant solutions and marvelous user experiences, we need this time for proper prep up.

However, it does not mean we should suffer the consequences of this delay. You do not have to be a UX professional to turn the tables around and make the most out of this irritating flaw. There is a simple, tiny and time-proven solution that usually comes as an afterthought, though it should be highly prioritized. This solution is to use a preloader.

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We have ceased to notice that majority of components that need a little time in order to fully load or perform can be a time-consuming action accompanied by small, pleasant indicators that visualize the process. You can stumble upon these tiny assistants everywhere — apps in cellphones or tablets, personal websites, online services are highly populated with such animated control elements that try to make the user experience more pleasant and more enjoyable.

Usually, it is a simple throbber that for a long time was a gif animation, and only recently has become a code-based solution that involves the utilization of either JS or/and CSS, thereby opening up almost endless possibilities to developers.

Though the form the spinner takes varies, they all have one thing in common: They do not show exactly how much time you need to wait, they are basic, wordless indicators. If you want to achieve the greatest output, you should do something with their appearance, namely, you need to give the loading animation an impressive, attention-grabbing and spellbinding look. And if you want to come up with something worthy and interesting that will seize users’ attention for a while, we are here to help you by offering a collection of free loading animations and spinners created by skilled web developers. You can use them as an inspiration or as a starting point.

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What Is a Preloader?

Preloader is a system status UI element. It can be increasingly primitive like a traditional throbber, or complex like a sterling loading animation or even splash screen.

As a rule, a preloader is used at the starter point of the website. However, it can also be seen after the form was submitted or when a slider, image gallery, or video player is waiting for the content to be fully loaded.

Website preloaders, also known as loading screens or loading indicators, are visual elements displayed on a web page while content is being loaded in the background. They are used to keep users informed that the website is processing their request and to maintain engagement while waiting for the content to load. Preloaders can be simple animations, progress bars, or any other visually appealing element that indicates progress.

To make website preloaders user-friendly, consider the following guidelines:

  1. Keep it simple: Use minimalist designs for your preloader that don’t distract the user. A clean and straightforward preloader can effectively convey the message without overwhelming users.
  2. Be informative: Indicate the progress of the loading process by using progress bars, percentages, or other visual cues that give users an idea of how much longer they need to wait.
  3. Ensure responsiveness: Design your preloader to be responsive so that it appears correctly on different devices and screen sizes. This will make the experience seamless for users across various platforms.
  4. Optimize loading time: The purpose of a preloader is to make the waiting experience more pleasant. However, your primary goal should be to optimize your website’s loading time to minimize the wait. Reduce the size of images, use caching techniques, and optimize scripts to improve the loading speed.
  5. Use animations: Animations can make the preloader more engaging and entertaining. Choose animations that align with your website’s theme or brand identity, but keep them subtle to avoid distraction.
  6. Accessibility: Make sure your preloader is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Consider using ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes, providing alternative text, and ensuring your preloader follows the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
  7. Test and refine: Test your preloader on different browsers, devices, and connection speeds to ensure it works as intended. Based on user feedback and testing results, refine your preloader to make it more user-friendly and efficient.

Remember that the primary goal is to provide a smooth and enjoyable user experience. A well-designed, user-friendly preloader can help maintain user engagement and make the waiting time more pleasant.

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What Does Loading Animation Do?

Initially, a preloader was created to inform users that the “loading” is in process. As Jakob Nielsen, who holds 79 United States patents on ways of making the Web easier to use, mentioned in 1993, it has three significant advantages:

  1. it reassures the user that everything is fine with the software.
  2. it indicates approximately how long the user needs to wait.
  3. it provides the user with something to look at.

These three advantages form the basis of modern preloaders. Today every loading animation does everything it can to make these advantages their own.

Collection of Free Preloaders and Loading Animated Spinners

Gmail Loading Animation

Why Is It Important to Add Preloader to Your Website?

It is vital to add a preloader to the website simply because people get bored when they wait for a fully prepared platform.

The sad truth is, our technologies are not perfect. Reasons for delay can be different, for example, weak internet connection, bad website server processing, a high number of instant visitors, long operation processing, malfunction of scripts or typefaces, etc. Sometimes we can’t control this.

However, what we can control is those seconds of delay. Our task is to ensure that this forced waiting does not cause confusion, irritation, and annoyance. The only way out is to capitalize on preloader. It saves our website from losing precious customers.

That’s not all; the modern loading animations can pursue other goals as well. For example, you can use them to

  • promote brand;
  • set proper expectations;
  • drum up interest;
  • maintain interest;
  • enliven interface;
  • add personality to your product;
  • give instructions on how to use a website;
  • entertain users and cheer them up.

A thoughtful preloader can easily make the waiting process more bearable and even productive for both sides. It improves the usability of the interface and ensures a positive user experience

What Does Make a Good Preloader?

Many things we deem good practices for preloader is hard to describe. First and foremost, it should reduce frustration and avoid annoyance at all costs. But how to achieve this? Consider these 11 essential things that may help in this matter.

  • Show an approximate time to wait. It can be represented in exact numbers or percentage indication.
  • Update the loading status. How much work is done? What is the actual progress? You do not have to write a treatise here; several straight-to-the-point notifications will be enough.
  • Give a reason to wait. Explain to viewers what’s happening under the hood. Stress out why it is important. On top of that, you can list tasks that are in progress. For example, “calculating”, “data processing”, etc. This clarifies that the program hasn’t crashed and gives users a valid reason to wait.
  • Keep the user’s eyes busy. Use dynamic effects or animations to set the scene in motion and force users to stare at the screen.
  • Make the perception of waiting time fly by. The mental time will pass faster if the user is engaged. Therefore, exercise your creativity. Though you do not have to test your limits, even a simple trick of using catchy or daring colors can do the job.
  • Make the delay experience consistent with your brand. This can set the right expectations or serve as a preamble for your service or product.
  • If you are forced to use an indeterminate preloader, make sure you explain why loading takes time. Also, the infinite loading animation may sweeten this delay and distract attention for a while.
  • Reserve a prominent spot for the preloader. Do not make your visitors seek it on the screen. This may only increase frustration.
  • Focus on progress instead of wait times. Sometimes it is better to reduce the amount of time visitors can see preloader and instead create a sense that information is incrementally displayed on the screen using a skeleton screen.
  • Do not show preloader if the loading time is less than 1 second. 1 second is a reasonable amount of time that any visitor can wait.
  • Always provide feedback if loading takes more than 3 seconds of delay.

Last but not least. Optimize your website and make it as fast as possible. Please do bear in mind that people do not like to wait. Even if you have an ingenious loading animation, still add more than two of them to your website, and you will end up with annoyed and frustrated users who believe that they deal with an excessive amount of waiting around for pages, even though that is not true. Therefore, focus on speed and optimization and use loading animation only when it is necessary.

What Does Make a Good Preloader?

Download Process Animation by Oleksandr Pronskyi

Types of Preloaders

Even such a tiny component of the user interface that appears only for several seconds and usually can be seen at the beginning of the user’s journey on your website comes in all shapes and sizes.

Preloaders boast of a variety of solutions. After all, they play a critical role in creating the first impression that we never have a second chance to make. Therefore, sometimes they can be real masterpieces.

Generally speaking, preloaders can be split into two groups: determinate and indeterminate. However, that’s not all. Depending on their shape and style, preloaders can be broken into several large groups.

Let’s dive a bit deeper into loading animations and find out the most popular types we have these days.

The first one on our list is a progress bar.

Progress Bars

As the nameplate states, the progress bar is a linear indicator. As a rule, it is determinate. It shows users how much time is left via graphical representation by animating an indicator along the length of a fixed, usually horizontal track. Many brands adopt this type of preloader: Android, Gmail, Instagram, etc.

Usually, they are used as a part of some complex loading animations that can be on-brand, informative, or entertaining.

Note, sometimes progress bars can be indeterminate. In this case, they are pure decorative units whose aim is to entertain users and keep their interest alive since they show an uncertain amount of wait time. The great thing is, even without a percentage indicator the user has a feeling of the uploading progress.

Progress Bars

Progress by Oleg Frolov

Basic Throbbers or Spinners

Throbber, also known as a “spinning wheel,” is one of the first preloaders on the Web. It is dated back to the 1990s, and it seems that it is familiar to every user on the internet, which is a big bonus.

Throbber has a round shape, consisting of several part-radial lines or discs arranged in a circle. Much like the progress bar, it can be determinate or indeterminate. Traditionally, throbbers are indeterminate. They only show that loading is in progress and provide users with an animation to look at.

However, modern throbbers can be seen with numerical indicators that show the percentage or amount of seconds which visitors have to wait.

Basic Throbbers or Spinners

Preloader by Bret Kurtz

Custom Loading Indicators

This is by far one of the largest categories. Custom loading animations boast of the sheer diversity of design and ideas. It is here where artists are limited only by their imagination. They use various traditional effects such as pulsating, rolling, sliding, fading, etc.

Custom loading animations can be primitive or vice versa complex and sophisticated. They can be determinate or indeterminate. Their key difference is that they can be composed of anything you can imagine: graphics, typography, images, and even 3D objects and renderings.

As a rule, custom loading animations are created to have three advantages formed by Jakob Nielsen and pursue some real marketing goals. For example, they promote the brand, increase credibility in the company, set expectations for the product, and ignite interest.

The most popular custom loading animations are

  • Text-based Loading Animations,
  • Morphing Loading Animations,
  • Sci-fi Loading Animations,
  • Abstract Loading Animations,
  • Meaningful Loading Animations,
  • Logotype-based Loading Animations.
Custom Loading Indicators

Preloader by Emanuel Panarello

On-Brand Splash Screens

Technically speaking, the splash screen is not a preloader. It is a launch or boot screen that appears when the website is ready. However, over recent years, we could witness the combination of splash screen and preloader. This powerful duet creates the illusion of short page load times, strengthens brand identity, and even offers a practical advantage. More so, it makes the first impression last longer.

Although it takes extra time, effort, and resources, if you are up to some strong start or dramatic entrance for your product, it should be your top choice.

On-Brand Splash screens

Splash page by Timothy Giblin

Trends in Preloaders and Loading Animated Spinners

On-brand Loading Animations

One of the biggest trends in this area is, of course, on-brand loading animations. As we have just mentioned, preloaders are an excellent opportunity to make the first impression count and reinforce the brand identity. More and more companies use it as a tool for laying a solid foundation for advocating the brand. Even individual artists and startups join this mainstream.

On-brand loading animations come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them feature the name of the company, while others focus on products or services. Some of them are pretty simple, while others are sophisticated.

Consider the personal portfolio of a talented senior art director from France, Sonia Presne. Here the preloader features only the name of the artist and some tiny charming dynamic effects. However, it is made with chic and elegance that perfectly supports the overall image.

Trends in Preloaders and Loading Animated Spinners

That’s not all; here, the preloader nicely flows into a skeleton screen that reveals the homepage, drumming up interest right from the get-go. As a result, the first seconds on the website – even forced to be spent on waiting – bring benefits to the brand.

3D Scenes and Surreal Compositions

For quite a long time, 3D scenes were considered to be the new frontier for effective websites. Along with abstract compositions and geometric artworks, they ruled the roost. Today this tendency sees a decline in popularity; however, it is still highly in demand when making the first impression.

The great thing is, even the smallest 3D scene can make any visitor stare at the screen in awe. It easily brightens up seconds of waiting. They are eye-catchers and attention magnets that can pursue various goals, from preparing the ground for marketing tricks to just leaving a long-lasting impression.

Consider Digital Lookbook of China-based brand as a perfect case in point. Much like the website populated with abstract shapes and 3D scenes that give the front page a surreal feeling, the loading screen can also boast such a personality and charisma. It greets the audience with a ball of intersected glowing tubes and text that is set in motion.

This solution is pursuing several goals.

  • First of all, it grabs overall attention easing frustration caused by delay.
  • Second, it sets the right expectations.
  • Third, it promotes the brand.
  • Finally, it adds creativity to the project, ensuring a good first impression.
3D Scenes and Surreal Compositions

Last but not least, it is important to note that such kind of solutions is source-consuming. Sometimes they can be too heavy for a loading animation that, by default, should be lightweight and fast. Therefore, always exercise caution when you want to use them as preloaders.

Text-based Loading Animations

Text-based loading animations never get old. They are timeless. If you want to make preloader look modern, but you do not know what trendy these days is, you can never go wrong with animated typography. It is just a feast for the eyes that entertains and grabs attention and provides users with something to read, thereby keeping visitors occupied for several seconds.

The great thing about this kind of preloader is that people easily fall for them since we are accustomed to seeing text in loading animations. However, unlike the basic preloaders, where text plays only a supporting role by notifying users about how much time is left, here it is the star of the show.

Text is very flexible in terms of various manipulations. Using basic CSS and JavaScript, along with numerous custom typefaces, you can create inspiring solutions.

Text-based Loading Animations

Goliath Entertainment is a typical example. The team has played a pretty simple trick in terms of design and realization. Nevertheless, it draws our attention and brightens up seconds of waiting. More so, it is even a bit hypnotic. Therefore, it goes perfectly well with the overall aesthetics serving as a perfect starting point. Clever.

Solutions for Free Preloaders

There are numerous ways of creating a decent preloader. For example, designers could do loading spinners in Photoshop or Sketch, web developers could use the help of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, whereas non-tech-savvy people can easily benefit from various tools that do all the heavy lifting for them.

Let’s focus on the latter option that gives regular users and tech artists a chance to improve their web estate with some pre-made high-quality loading animations.

Free Preloaders


Loading, perhaps, is one of the most popular solutions for free preloaders on the Web. It has been with us for ages, so it certainly has a seal of approval.

It comes with numerous features. It has an icon library, spinner gallery, theme icons, seamless repeatable patterns, progress bars, Ajax Loader, animated Icons, and live backgrounds. Everything is available in GIF, SVG, APNG, and CSS formats.

That’s not all; it also lets you create animations from images or text and customize icons from the library right in the playground.

Preloader by Materialize CSS

Preloader by Materialize CSS

Materialize is a framework made with Material Design principles in mind. It ships with various components, but one that we are after is free preloaders. Like a design system created by Google, the preloaders by Materialize CSS help build high-quality digital experiences.

They are neat, clean, subtle, and elegant. Although they do not have an extravagant appearance or attention-grabbing behavior, they are enough to make the website intuitive and beautiful and give the user feedback.

Here you can find two types of free preloaders: linear (determinate and indeterminate) and circular. Although you do not have much choice, this is still enough for interfaces with sleek and elegant aesthetics.

Lottie Files

Lottie Files

Lottie Files is a vast collection of free preloaders available for personal and commercial use. There are more than 140 pages of options. You can find simple spinners and creative loading animations. Some of them are vibrant, while others are gloomy. There are even hilarious options much like this amusing cat featured below.

The great thing is, each variant can be customized via an intuitive interface where you can set such parameters as speed, background color, interactivity, and layer colors. The result is compatible with regular websites, Webflow-powered websites, Android and iOS applications.

Free Preloaders in Dribbble

Free Preloaders on Dribbble

Last but not least.

Dribbble can become a great source of infinite loading animations perfect for situations when the waiting time is indeterminate. Here you can find some exceptional free preloaders available in GIF format that can win over your visitors with beautiful designs and ingenious ideas.

There are options for every taste: some of them are serious, while others are hilarious. Some of them are pretty lame, while others give your audience food for thoughts making the time pass quickly.

Collection of Free Preloaders and Loading Animated Spinners

Armed with all the basics and tips, it is time to explore some real-life free preloader examples to get inspiration, gather some cues on how it should be done, and find a perfect solution for your next project.

Collection of Free Preloaders and Loading Animated Spinners

Free Preloader Example by Crianbluff

This simple yet exquisite and refined loading animation created by a Colombia-based artist will delight you with its flawless performance. Thanks to its brilliant appearance and neutral aesthetics, it fits websites from various niches.

Here you can see a combination of traditional circular preloader and text-based loading animation where the latter is a determinate indicator. This combo diverts attention from the delay and, at the same time, focuses users on the text. On top of that, it is responsive and pretty lightweight.

That’s not all; the loader finishes with a charming transition effect that makes the homepage entrance memorable.

Free Preloader Examples from Osadcha

Free Preloader Examples from Osadcha

Marina Osadcha, a gifted artist from Ukraine, has shared with the community a collection of 24 sleek and neat preloaders made with pure CSS3. Although the artist sticks to a relatively simple design, but this primitivity makes these free preloaders useful for various projects since they can easily blend into any environment.

You can find some exciting options like jumping balls, bouncing squares, and folding squares. There are also versions with morphing, rotating, and 3D moving.

Last but not least, Marina has also created some fantastic text-based preloader examples. On her Loaders 2 codepen, you can find six different options where your company’s name or just the simple word “Loading” can become a star of the show that promotes the brand and makes waiting entertaining and informative. This time, the developer has used a duet of CSS3 and JavaScript to give objects some nice effects.

Foot Tap Loading Animation by Darin

Foot Tap Loading Animation by Darin

Let’s make things a bit exciting with this adorable free preloader by New York-based artist. Darin is famous for his hilarious code projects. His Yeti 404 Page made a lot of fuss several years ago. This one is no exception. It is pure joy.

Although this loading animation can’t boast of lots of actions or dynamic effects, nevertheless it is enough to keep the user’s attention for several seconds. More so, it is also enough to lighten the mood and brighten up the seconds of waiting.

It is just a small illustration brought to life with the help of GreenSock and SVG. However, the idea is ingenious. As we all know, everything creative is precisely what the doctor ordered when you need to kill waiting time.

Text Ring Loading Animation by Jon Kantner

Text Ring Loading Animation by Jon Kantner

From warm human touch to some cold digital environment, look at this marvelous free preloader example that radiates a techy vibe on all fronts. Text Ring Loading Animation by Jon Kantner is a small digital masterpiece that makes the first impression count.

The idea is pretty simple: there is the text, obviously “Loading,” written around the edge of two spinning rings. However, what makes it worthy of your attention is 3D realization and beautiful neon coloring that reminds Tron-like entourage. Also, the spinning is brilliant. As a result, you can’t take your eyes off it.

Perspective Sphere Free Preloader by Jon Kantner

Perspective Sphere Free Preloader by Jon Kantner

This is another masterpiece created by Jon Kantner. We could not help but include it since it reflects the modern tendencies in the website’s loading animations. His free preloader example is a pure 3D composition that will delight you with its energetic nature and skillfully realized perspective. Again, some Tron vibe here that gives the design a stylish techy appeal.

Basically, it is just four spheres that move forward and backward. The depth of field effect is mesmerizing.

The great thing is, everything is made with pure CSS. It is lightweight and fast, even though its WebGL-inspired feel may suggest otherwise.

50+ Pure CSS3 Free Preloaders by Sahar Ali Raza

50+ Pure CSS3 Free Preloaders by Sahar Ali Raza

If you are in search of a quick but reliable solution that will brighten up several seconds of delay and does not need to be determinate, you can give a shot to one of the free preloader examples made by Sahar Ali Raza.

This talented Pakistan-based developer has created a whole set of small yet vibrant and eye-catching loading animations. You can find in here compositions made of circles, squares, and rings. Some of them are rotating; others are vibrating, sliding, and even flipping. There are also some custom versions based on icons that were made to be festive.

Everything is made with pure CSS, so you do not have to worry about JavaScript loading time.

Free Preloader by Nazar Kubaty

Free Preloader by Nazar Kubaty

This one may scare you, but it will undoubtedly give your users food for thoughts, leaving them guessing whether the website is fine or not. This guessing game will be enough to distract attention from the loading process, making the time fly by.

Nazar Kubaty has come up with a fantastic idea: even though the glitchy effect is a bit controversial, but it can still be exploited to benefit the project. The loading animation has a decent tech vibe that, when appropriately implemented, may easily give your website an extra spice.

Rocket Loading Screen by Kilian Maret

Rocket Loading Screen by Kilian Maret

Illustrated approaches always grab attention. Much like Foot tap loader by Darin, this one also catches an eye. It gets its beauty from an ingenious idea.

The loading animation is based on a simple illustration of a rocket. Set in proper surroundings and accompanied by some clever dynamic effects, it creates a feeling of lightning speed, making us believe that this delay will be over soon. Brilliant.

More Preloaders and Loading Animated Spinners



Spin is a simple, jQuery-based generator that is aimed to provide you with a basic spinner animation. The service lets you customize the throbber by setting such parameters as:

  • Speed
  • Direction
  • Radius
  • Length, width, corners

Single Element CSS Spinners

Single Element CSS Spinners

The developer gets the most out of new CSS3 features, particularly animation features, and shares with online audience a whole range of elegant, properly-executed spinners that can be easily incorporated into your dynamic projects by simply inserting a piece of code.



Based on a CoffeeScript and Saas, this mesmerizing and truly original animation will definitely become a centerpiece of your preloading page. It is well-suited for enigmatic projects, websites with maritime theme and military projects.



Spinner has a lovely boxy feeling that goes well with formal, grid style websites or those that feature an evident blocky layout. The effect is accomplished only through new possibilities of HTML and CSS, so be prepared for some troubles with old versions of browsers.

CSS Spinner

CSS Spinner

An animation that features funny moving dots that eventually form one clear relatively huge circle will become an ideal match for any website with circular vibe. The author has created the spinner only using CSS and HTML, so you will be able to quickly set your color or change other parameters in styling file.

CSS Domino Loader

CSS Domino Loader

The spinner is based on a set of vibrant green rectangular domino-style tiles that are falling and rising again and again till the page or any other dynamic or content-intensive element fully loads. Driven by a standard and pleasant ease effect, it unobtrusively grabs users’ attention and entertains them for a while.

Bar/Ball Loader

Bar/Ball Loader

This bright dynamic effect is very similar to the previous one. It also consists of a range of rectangular tiles that are set in motion by a small rotating ball. So that if you need a more colorful and dynamic variation of the previous effect, you can exploit this loader.

Cube Fold

Cube Fold

The web developer takes advantage of advanced 3D transform properties presented in CSS3. The animation begins with a one small square that gradually transforms into a perspective view of a cube that ultimately shapes a regular hexahedron. It will naturally complement various gift e-stores, geometry style projects and websites dedicated to high-tech.

CSS Loading Boxes Animation

CSS Loading Boxes Animation

This set of four dynamic colorful boxes that circle will ideally fit into any vibrant flat website. By virtue of a single style sheet you will be able to change colors and set the speed for animation

Text Filling

Text Filling

This is an optimal solution for those who want to mark their preloading page with a title, text-based logotype, tagline or even catchy slogan. Your integral element of brand identity will be slowly but surely filled with a fancy water animation. As usual, effect is achieved through combination of HTML and CSS.

Yet Another Loading Animation

Yet Another Loading Animation

This is another loading animation that is aimed to prominently display text. However, you should take into account the fact that it won’t work properly on every browser, for example on internet explorer it will crash, since the effect is accomplished via new CSS3 features that are not supported there

Google-Inspired CSS Preloaders

Google-Inspired CSS Preloaders

Google’s official logotype has been a source for inspiration numerous times. Creatives exploit its neatness and brightness in various design purposes, yet it is time to use it in a web development. Matt Litherland has created a CSS-powered preloader based on vibrant Google coloring with a help of Mixin, basic ease animation and several transformations.

Reddit Loader

Reddit Loader

Don’t like Google-inspired loaders? How about animation that comes from Reddit? It certainly does not have such a vivid appearance, the animation is based on only two-tone scheme, yet it definitely has a high-tech, even a bit nuclear, charm that will be appropriate for various high-end projects.

Jellyfish Spinner

Jellyfish Spinner

With just a little imagination and basic knowledge of new CSS3 features you can create really interesting and impressive loading animations. Mike Cobb presents a very peculiar solution that transforms a basic spinner into a bizarre jellyfish style animation.

Loader #7

Loader #7

Fabrizio Bianchi does not reinvent the wheel nor offers a unique solution; he only gives you an opportunity to populate your dynamic project with a basic circular spinner that has a truly refined and stylish appearance.

Another Simple CSS load animation

Another Simple CSS load animation

You can easily prettify a basic spinner by adding some extra effects with a help of CSS3 features thereby turning it into an eye-catching preloading animation, as Paul Sullivan has done. The animation is extremely beneficial in tandem with a circular logotype.

Loaders and Spinners

Loaders and Spinners

Tim Holman has a really rich collection of loaders and spinners. You will definitely find something special. There are amazing bright loaders, SVG loading images, purely CSS based preloaders and various rare and uncommon effects.

Collection of Free Page-Loading Effects (Tiny User-Friendly Animations)

The golden rule of creating great web-based projects that provide online audiences with good user experiences is to not let them wait. It seems like a really simple task, however it just sounds so. Completely upload your content-intensive website that is populated with high-quality, heavy multimedia data in the blink of an eye is simply impossible due to imperfections inherent to modern technologies. All that remains to do is find a way of forcing people to stay while they are waiting. And making use of page-loading effects is an optimal solution here.

Spinners, loading bars, basic counters can do the job perfectly well. They give a notion that something happens in a pleasant, entertaining and enticing manner. With just a bit of imagination, you can transform a plain loading indicator into a real masterpiece that will amuse users by diverting their attention from idle process as well as enrich your website design aesthetics.

Page-loading effects are not just whimsy; they are a must-have for any complex, content-heavy or dynamic project. If your project falls into one of these categories then you should definitely take a look at our varied and fresh collection of free page-loading effects; we hope you will definitely find a perfect match for your website here.

Free Page-Loading Effects

Inspiration for Article Intro Effects

Inspiration for Article Intro Effects

The team speculates about various intro animations that should accompany page appearance thereby enriching user experience. The collection includes:

  • Pushing techniques
  • Fade out effect
  • Slice effect
  • Grid-based solutions
  • Imitation of an effect seen on Jam3

You will be able to freely grab a source file; however it can only serve as a starting point.

Page Loading Effects

Page Loading Effects

The team gives you hints how to transform a boring loading time into an enjoyable and visually-appealing pastime by equipping your website with some fantastic SVG animations based on Snap.svg. The article covers a bunch of different effects, namely:

  • Lazy stretching
  • Windscreen wiper
  • Tunnel vision
  • Basic effects such as tilt, wave, and curtain

Page Preloading Effect

Page Preloading Effect

Unlike the previous two examples, this team has concentrated on producing only one solution that should brighten up an appearance of the page with a help of a simple, small yet fancy animation based on an effective collaboration of CSS3 3D transforms and SVGs. You will be also able to insert your logo into it thereby showing off your trademark from the first second.

Creative Loading Effects

Creative Loading Effects

The project is created in order to provide developers with a sheer inspiration, yet, you can still freely grab several valid code snippets that will enhance your page with some alluring loading effects. The range covers 13 solutions including popular YouTube loading bar, standard expanding box, circular indicators and others.

Display Animation While Page Loading Using jQuery

Display Animation While Page Loading Using jQuery

The tutorial regards a really simple but fundamental solution of how to properly implement a loading indicator in order to engage users. The author offers two ways of resolving this problem:

  • Using loading image in CSS and a HTML div element with jQuery bind function
  • Using loading image inline in HTML with jQuery load function

jQuery Full Page Loading Animation

jQuery Full Page Loading Animation

The developer shows a simple and easy-to-reproduce solution for creating a full page loading animation. You can modify it according to your wishes without hustle and bustle thanks to a really clean code and intuitive technique.

CSS Load

CSS Load

This is a small yet really useful online generator that will assist you with creating visually-appealing preloaders based on new CSS3 features. Thanks to several basic customization options you will be able to:

  • Choose an animation template
  • Set colors
  • Set size
  • Specify animation speed
  • Turn on reverse animation

Page Loading Effects

Page Loading Effects

Rik Roots gives you an opportunity to not only contemplate some interesting and original loading effects but also lets you use this piece of code. Here you will find enticing animations that include:

  • Fog
  • Rolling rectangle
  • Spinning star
  • “Chop from top” technique
  • “Clear with circles” approach



This is another helpful and feature-rich online generator that allows building your own preloading effect. The customization choices will surprise even a sophisticated user; the service offers plenty of categories, where you can find pre-made elements starting from standard loading bars and ending up with zodiac signs. Each category includes its own range of options, opening to you almost endless possibilities.

Display Loading Animation While an External Page is Loading in a RadPane

Display a loading animation while an external page is loading in a RadPane

Those who adore ASP.Net Ajax will definitely recognize the real worth of this short yet useful tutorial that features a basic technique of creating and displaying a loading animation. It is based on several steps that involve working with RadSplitter control, global variables and JavaScript functions.

The script is connected to RadPane that is used for loading external pages, so take it into account.

Loading Overlay

Loading Overlay

This is a tiny, lightweight and pretty helpful jQuery plugin that lets you both add and remove a loading overlay to a selected element. You can use it with any component you like. Available options allow:

  • Adding icons
  • Specifying text
  • Altering appearance through CSS styling

jQuery Loading Animation

jQuery Loading Animation

The author explains how to properly use jQuery in order to create a loading animation with your message. The technique is simple, the code is clean and styling is straight-forward, so you can easily adapt this code snippet to your needs as well as modify it. The solution looks good whether the user has disabled JavaScript or not.

Page Loading

Page Loading

Want to load your homepage gradually line by line or simply make the presentation of your images interesting? Then leverage this effect.

The animation was created by Pedro Ivo Hudson, who has implemented a CSS transitional changing effect based on Bezier Curve that allows controlling the timing function in order to set the required speed.

YouTube Page Load Effect

YouTube Page Load Effect

The developer has quite successfully imitated an elegant page load effect seen on YouTube. Though the solution is based on a quite complex linear interpolation function, yet it works like a Swiss watch: i.e., reliably and accurately. The code snippet is really clean and apprehensible, so even if you are only a newbie you will be able to put it to work.

Animation on “load”

Animation on "load"

The aim of this small project is demonstrate how to correctly initiate an animation when a page loads. Of course, you can add text, set a background color and change timing and duration.

CSS3 Spin Loader

CSS3 Spin Loader

Ricardo Zanutta created a subtle vibrant flat style CSS3 spin loader that will look wonderful on any web page whether it has dark or light coloring. The snippet includes a function for displaying a preload page as well.

Here, almost everything is done with a help of CSS, so you will be able to set your own parameters through the styles file.



Pace is a tiny, intelligent plugin that monitors various elements of your page including Ajax requests and event loop lag in order to decide the progress and switch on a nicely animated progress bar just in time.

It is easy to install with a help of Eager that sorts out all issues. As for modification, the development team has blessed you with dozens of neatly-crafted flat style themes.

Full CSS Ball Loader

Full CSS Ball Loader

This bouncing vibrant ball loader is well-suited for projects with an entertaining atmosphere. The effect is accomplished only with a help of CSS3, so it won’t work correctly on old browsers and on those that do not support new, advanced features.

Micro UX: Examples of Page Preloading Animations

When creating a great user experience becomes a number one priority, micro UX comes to the forefront – in our case are preloading animations. For a long time, only some have taken into account this constituent, yet everything has changed, and almost every other website can boast having one or two delightful effects that impress visitors.

Micro UX is usually associated with tiny well thought out components that are able to bridge the gap between users and content, making staying on a website an enjoyable and memorable journey. The field covers various user-friendly effects, and today loading indicators are on our radar.

Despite lasting only several seconds (in the majority of cases) they deserve special attention. We are accustomed to believing that front pages are responsible for producing a significant first impression, however, if you are a happy owner of non-static website he first page will be the loading page where you need to tackle problems concerning preloading process. Pleasant, eye-catching and entertaining dynamic counters are simply irreplaceable; they will amuse users and unobtrusively force them to stay for a while — exactly what you need.

Modern counters have the same original and ingenious nature as the main design, so it is really interesting and awe-inspiring to find out what designers managed to come up with. So, let’s discover several interesting preloading animations.

Little Big Room

Little big room

An amazing online adventure through agency’s portfolio begins with this pictorial cartoon style loading bar. It is aimed not to only entertain online visitors while they are waiting, but also set the tone and give a hint of what will happen next.

Subskill Digital

Subskill Digital

The team skillfully works an item of brand identity into website design through spicing up its preloading page with a nicely animated nameplate. The effect has a lovely digital vibe that goes perfectly well with the overall theme.

The Erasable Wall

The Erasable Wall

Though the website is aimed to highlight really serious issues, the design has a slightly playful appearance thanks to sketch graphics, pencil drawings and animated elements. The preloading page is wisely performed in the same manner in order to ideally fit into the project.



The loading animation has a refined and delicate appearance that is completely consistent to the overall look of the online portfolio. The team skillfully makes use of its logotype by wonderfully setting it in motion.



With such an imaginative loading page, it immediately becomes clear that you can count on getting a really entertaining and memorable user experience that is produced by an original project populated with vibrant vector illustrations. The preloading page has a strong artistic vibe that is similar to the general feeling in the project.

Though Brancott Estate

Though Brancott Estate

Though Brancott Estate goes for a rather simple solution by using a basic loading spinner, however a well thought out combination of textured backdrop, chalk style typography and catchy phrase is able to force you stay for a while.



Sometimes you do not have to reinvent the wheel in order to make your page enticing, SIXZERO demonstrates how to get advantage from plain monochrome backdrops providing its loading page with a series of successive solid color canvases.

Tu Corte

Tu Corte

Tu Corte specializes in meat dishes, so that the loading indicator is no wonder, displaying a graphical, authentic-style presentation of beef, pork and poultry.

New Jumo Concept

New Jumo Concept

Here the preloading screen ends with a small animation that has a shape of the logotype. It opens the front page in a pleasant and captivating manner.

Letters, Inc

Letters, Inc

Much like the website design, the loading page has also received a subtle and elegant line style appearance. The animation outlines the centerpiece placed on the front page, slowly revealing the whole composition.

At Work

At Work

There is no special loading page, everything happens on the front page. It includes an enigmatic swirl style animation that is gaining momentum in order to metaphorically draw you in.



Relio is a small square-shaped pocket-sized professional device that is aimed to provide you with light. The loading page includes a clean contour style graphical presentation of this gadget. The team has also animated it in order to add a slight dynamic feeling to the page.

Fulvio Luparia

Fulvio Luparia

Here is nothing supernatural; the page consists of a standard circular indicator with a counter. However, the designer managed turned simplicity into advantage by presenting an excellent blend of sharp graphics, solid contrasting coloring and clean backdrop marked by a slightly visible title.

Scotch and Soda

Scotch and Soda

Here you will find a decorative version of a basic loading bar that is implemented in an original hand-drawn manner. It naturally interacts with sketch elements that are scattered throughout the landing page.



Engage boasts of an artistic sketch style website design that has been planned down to the last detail. Even a regular loading bar that is used for indicating uploading status, has a cuddly hand-drawn appeal as well as made in a brand color scheme.

All About Medical Training

All About Medical Training

The team demonstrates how to get the most out of absolutely nothing. The loading page features an intuitive medical icon that instantly reflects as well as graphically supports an idea behind the project. Animated shadow serves as a status indicator.



Mikado leverages a simple flat style spinner that is built upon the logotype. The first few seconds on-site are marked by a piece of brand identity.



Much like the previous example, Designova sets in motion its logotype, prettying the loading page only with its circular bouncing emblem. Though the solution is quite elegant and easy to produce, it loses allure over time.

Zipper Galeria

Zipper Galeria

The team transforms its nameplate into a text-based loading bar that is gradually filled with a brand color.



Kommigraphics uses a classic round-shaped loading indicator. It is performed in a flat style and in a soft two-tone color scheme in order to perfectly match the theme of the website design.

Although incorporating loading indicators into websites definitely is not something new, just remember flash-based websites that were highly populated with these small stylish counters. Nowadays they have new, more improved, more stylish and more sophisticated interpretations.

Designers began to treat them like any other integral component that needs to be flawlessly-executed, match the overall theme and at the same time has its own flavor so that I hope that in near future every dynamic project will be stocked with original and entertaining loading indicators.


We have covered different solutions that are aimed at improving your projects, making a more comfortable place for users through the use of small, yet eye-catching and engaging, preloaders and loading animated spinners. Trends come and go, but the need to give UI feedback to users is still here.

Users expect a fast reaction. Studies show that even the smallest 4-second delay can have drastic outcomes. Most people won’t give your product a second chance if they need to wait a bit longer. They just go away and never come back. Therefore, providing clear, immediate feedback on users’ actions is crucial.

How to realize it? Simple; use a loading animation. A small and even primitive spinner that notifies users about the loading process and progress they have with an app or website saves the day. On top of that, it can become much more than: when well-done, it can easily accomplish some serious missions.

Nataly Birch

Nataly is an exceptional web designer and developer with a master's degree in computer science. She is highly skilled in helping clients establish a strong online presence and achieve their digital marketing goals across various sectors, including email design, email marketing, and web development. Nataly remains at the forefront of the industry by staying updated with the latest trends through continuous learning.

Posts by Nataly Birch
Andrian Valeanu

Andrian is a skilled web designer, email marketer, and SEO expert with over 20 years of experience. He founded Designmodo, a reputable company specializing in website and email building. Andrian shares his knowledge through guest lectures, interviews, and online publications, and is a respected voice in the industry.

Posts by Andrian Valeanu