Website Design Examples for ICO Campaigns

Websites Design Examples for ICO Campaigns

Cryptocurrency, blockchain, ICO. Do these words sound familiar to you? If so, then you probably have some crypto cash in a digital wallet. It is safe to say that despite all the recent falls and bans, cryptocurrency is still popular. …

Tabbed Widgets in Web Design: UI Examples & Free Plugins

Tabbed Widgets in Web Design: UI Examples & Free Plugins

Certain layouts work really well with tabs. You can show/hide content on the page like Q&A sections or to load dynamic content via Ajax. The trouble is adding tabs into a page that work well and are easy to setup. …

How to Start a Web Design Project [Infographic]

How to Start a Web Design Project [Infographic]

There’s a first time for everything — and it’s finally time for your very first web design project! While landing your first gig is a huge accomplishment in itself, keeping your first client happy requires a whole different set of skills. …

Ghost Buttons and Hollow Objects – Line Art is Thriving

Ghost Buttons and Hollow Objects - Line Art is Thriving

They are less powerful in terms of driving conversion, they are less attractive in comparison to its solid shapes, their effectiveness primarily depends on contrast and surroundings – there are so many cons that it seems that ghost buttons should …

Test Google’s Refreshed Material Design UI in Chrome Canary

Test Google's Refreshed Material Design UI in Chrome Canary

With Google I/O 2018 just a few days away, we are close to getting a glimpse at the next iteration of Google’s Material Design. And while everyone expects that the new version will be named Material Design 2, I hope …

GitLab 10.7 Released with Open Source Web IDE and Extended SAST Support

GitLab 10.7

The latest GitLab release is a real treasure. The number of features added in GitLab 10.7 will make any developer using the popular tool very excited. Thanks to GitLabs’s downtimeless upgrade feature and the few deprecations that come with the …

Building Better User Experiences with IPstack

Building Better User Experiences with IPstack

Knowledge is power. This is perhaps true. What about “knowledge and data are power?” That’s undeniable. Data is the most valuable asset in today’s connected world. For developers, publishers and even enthusiasts,, a service providing IP to geolocation data …

What in the World Are Microinteractions?

What in the world are micro-interactions?

Microinteractions are all around us. Simply put, it’s a specific moment of interaction with a user interface. Let me give you a common example: When a user taps on a button in a mobile app, and the button pulls down …

Creating Better Design with Content First Approach

It doesn’t matter if you’re designing a brand new app from scratch, working on a new feature or creating a landing page; design should start with the content first. There are many benefits to this. Ultimately you’ll end up creating …

Best Free Fonts You Should Try in 2018

Best Free Fonts You Should Try in 2018

A picture is worth a thousand words. We all know that an image can be very descriptive, but, like it or not, we can’t design without text. Only with words, can we be sure that readers get the exact message. …