Ultimate Collection of National (Country) Flag Icon Sets

Ultimate Collection of National (Country) Flag Icon Sets

With popularized worldwide delivery, online business has stepped into a new era where the target market is the entire Globe. Bilingual and multilingual interfaces have become an ordinary thing. If you have already taken your website to a new level …

Conversational UI Mobile Examples

Conversation UI Mobile Examples

Conversational UI and chatbots are becoming more popular in mobile apps. Understandably so; they provide an exciting and new type of experience for users. When done well, conversational UI and chatbots can provide a more intuitive and helpful experience but …

How to Draft a Design Brief for Successful Projects

A design brief is a document that helps a designer and client align on project expectations; this makes the project much easier to manage as it’s being worked on. The brief identifies critical pieces of information, such as scope, that …

How to Create a Customer Journey Map for Better Product Design

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the different steps a customer goes through to achieve a goal within your company’s website or product. It’s meant to provide insight into what’s going through a customer’s mind as they’re …

17 Must-Read Books for Product and UX Designers

Must-Read Books for Product and UX Designers

There are plenty of design books out there, such as the classics Don’t Make Me Think or Design of Everyday Things. And there are so many more books that are helpful and insightful for product designers and UX designers alike. …

Top 11 Web Design and UI Trends for 2020

Top 11 Web Design and UI Trends for 2020

New year, new web design trends. We are already starting to see some design elements that will be hot in 2020 (and maybe beyond). Most of these trending web design themes are continuations of things that have been building in …

How Lean Startup Methodology Can Help Your Business Grow

How Lean Startup Methodology Can Help Your Business Grow

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur involved in the startup world? Then you must have come across the term “lean startup.” But, what exactly does it mean, and why do we think it’s vital for your business? Source: Amazon. What Is …

Email Design Trends for 2020

Email Design Trends for 2020

Ready to make 2020 the year of the email for your marketing campaigns? Crafting an amazing message with a trendy design is the perfect combination for sending an email that demands clicks in the inbox. These email design trends for …

20 Insightful Podcasts for Web Designers and Developers

20 insightful podcasts for web designers and developers

Podcasts are an excellent way to keep up with web design industry news, learn something new, or listen to something fun. With podcasts becoming more popular, there is quite a large selection that covers a lovely array of topics relevant …

Guide to Bootstrap Columns: Examples, Tutorials, and Tricks

Guide to Bootstrap Columns: Examples, Tutorials, and Tricks

Twelve Bootstrap columns, five breakpoints, and Flexbox are what underlies the iconic boilerplate’s bootstrap grid system. There are a dozen predefined classes, yet, these three stand behind the flexibility of the layout. They build a concrete foundation with responsive behavior …