The New Rules for Scrolling in Web Design

The New Rules for Scrolling in Web Design

What was once taboo in website design has made a complete resurgence as one of the most popular techniques in recent years as users are finding a new love and appreciation for sites where scrolling is a necessity. Shedding its …

Drawing Attention Through Color in Web Design

Drawing Attention Through Color in Web Design

Working with color can be so much fun. Color can set the mood and tone of a design. Color can make a design appear clean or messy. Another thing we can use color for is to draw attention to a …

Intro To Web Components: What They Are & How They Work

Intro To Web Components: What They Are & How They Work

Reusable code is the bedrock of modern web design. With every frontend framework and Sass library out there you can find solutions to any problem. But reusable dynamic elements are still a work in progress and they’re incredible. These elements …

Introduction to Sass for Beginners

Sass stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets. Sass and is basically just an extension to CSS that help us write more flexible styles. It helps us make larger and complicated stylesheets clearer to understand and easier to maintain. Thanks to features like …

Google Updates Material Design and Adds Color Tool

Designers, Material Design is packed with a new color tool! Launched three years ago, Material Design, Google’s in-house design language influenced the shift from ancient user interfaces to the modern look of the contemporary web. Material Design was the final …

Designers Workspace: Creative and Inspirational Examples

Designer Workspace: Creative and Inspirational Examples

What’s in a desk? A pen and a laptop, with a chair and maybe a mug? On a typical desk, yes of course – however, on a creative’s desk there is so much more. There is inspiration, passion, ideas and …

6 Inspiring Design Documentaries

6 Inspiring Design Documentaries

Documentaries have a profound effect in terms of their ability to both teach and inspire. As designers, we are one of the primary creative industries and always looking to find and use inspiration, whether it be from images, art, products, …

Vivaldi Reinvents Browser History

Vivaldi Reinvents Browser History

Vivaldi, the non-conformist browser, got upgraded to version 1.18. And if you are expecting typical release notes, then you are in for a surprise, especially if you like to keep things in control. My typical browsing habits may seem weird. …

Facebook’s Logical Grid Concept is More Power to the Keyboard!

Facebook's Logical Grid Concept is More Power to the Keyboard!

Every web developer should keep an eye on Facebook’s Code blog. Other than the fact that it’s the official blog on one of the most influential web service online today, Facebook Code is a gem for any developer looking to …

Intro Guide to UX Reviews for Web Designers

Intro Guide to UX Reviews for Web Designers

A great UX review can do wonders for any website. By looking over the entire design you can learn what’s working, what’s not, and maybe find solutions that can increase the UX and ultimately increase revenues. But learning how to …