UX Best Practices for Using Search on Your Website

UX Best Practices for Using Search on Your Website

When a website contains a lot of content, your viewers are often not sure how to find the information they would like. As a result, they often use the search bar to look for a specific fact or ask a …

All Start-ups Should use Jamf Now, the Ultimate MDM for Apple Devices

Do you know that feeling, when you have an idea, and you know that it’s the next best thing, right? And then, your idea becomes a start-up. The sky is no longer the limit.. until you fail. Most tech start-ups fail at …

Free and Beautifully-Designed Resume Templates

Free and Good Designed Resume Templates

Resume design matters. If you want to stand out from the competition, you need to take it seriously. It is not just a sheet of paper with your knowledge, skills and experience. It is a real presentation tool that should …

Why Your Business Needs Email Marketing

Why Your Business Needs Email Marketing

You already have a business, but it doesn’t “sell” enough? Or you want to increase engagement or keep your audience updated about something fresh? Or you are just thinking to start a business and don’t know what Marketing strategy to …

A Beginner’s Guide to Voice UX Prototyping

A Beginner’s Guide to Voice Prototyping

As voice technology becomes more and more prominent, we’ll need to design more and more voice apps. In this post, I will go over a general overview for those who are unfamiliar with voice prototyping. It’s not a complicated process …

Best and Free JavaScript Plugins

Best and Free JavaScript Plugins for 2018

To be a good developer means not only produce good products but also to stay on top of changes in the field. Keeping up with the ever-changing world is a key to success. But, it does not mean that you …

Basic Design Concept of VR Design

Enter ergonomics

Over the last couple of years, companies such as Apple and Google have been investing heavily in virtual reality, or VR. We all know that VR is going to be the next big thing so why not learn something about …

UX Design and GDPR: Everything You Need to Know

UX and GDPR: Everything You Need to Know

The internet is where we spend a lot of our time, whether working, studying or communicating. And if in physical life there are very clear laws and regulations in terms of privacy and personal life, things are quite different on …

Designing a Portfolio Website with Oversized Typography

Designing a Portfolio Website with Oversized Typography

The goal of any portfolio site is to showcase your work. That’s a given. But you also want to sell your work in a way that grabs attention. You can do this with visuals, or by focusing just on content. Or by …

How to Plan Your Website Redesign for Success

How to Plan Your Website Redesign for Success

Redesigning a website is always a challenge because it requires a lot of resources and can be quite risky. The idea of implementing the newest technology and design trends is tempting. But as a rule of thumb, it is better …