Free Home & Decor HTML Email Templates

Welcome to our free HTML templates tailored for the home and decor industry. You will find that these are perfect for businesses and individuals alike. These professionally designed templates will elevate your email marketing campaigns with style and sophistication. Whether you're announcing a new collection, sharing design tips, or promoting special offers, our templates provide a visually appealing and user-friendly foundation to engage your audience. Get started right with our free HTML email templates for home & decor, and connect with your audience in a more impactful and elegant way.

Where to Edit Home & Decor Email Templates?

Postcards gives you all the tools you need to start building and customize your Home & Decor email template for free - from zero to the finished product in just a few minutes.

    • Drag & drop email template builder

      Stack your modules together in order to create the template structure you want.

    • Customize your content with ease

      Add your images, texts and links using the intuitive no-code email editor.

    • Customize the mobile version of your email template

      Effortlessly manage and customize the mobile version of your email templates.

    • Simple export to your email marketing platform

      One-click export the template to Mailchimp, HubSpot or as plain HTML file to upload anywhere.

  • Ready for action.

    Postcards is compatible with every email marketing platform. We've thoroughly tested them to ensure compatibility. You can export easily, saving hours on HTML email coding.

    Try It Now — It’s Free!

    👋 No signup required.

    • Hubspot
    • Mailchimp
    • Sendwithus
    • Brevo
    • Marketo
    • ConstantContact
    • Zoho
    • Klaviyo
    • SalesForce
    • Marketo
    • Campaign Monitor
    • Shopify
  • No-Code Email Design and Development

    Postcards is a fully no-code email template builder. All tools within the Postcards editor are visually intuitive and easy to use.

  • Drag & Drop Online Email Editor

    We offer hundreds of pre-made email modules and essential email components that you can drag and drop into your editor and modify.

  • Home & Decor Responsive Email Templates

    We offer built-in and pre-made Home & Decor responsive email templates, but if you want to customize how your email template appears on mobile devices, you can do this using our mobile controllers.

  • Speed-up Email Template Production

    Our HTML email templates will accelerate your email design production by 20x. Postcards saves time, allowing you to focus on other email marketing tasks.

  • How to Get More Design Customers with Email Marketing

    Email marketing is a low-cost way to reach more customers with your brand. While it’s relatively easy and easy on your marketing budget, these tips can make your campaign go from good to unmistakably great.

    Savvy Subject Lines Get More Opens

    We all know that first impressions are important, and the same rings true for your email subject line. Craft subject lines that inspire a click by adding personal elements, creative promotions, and FOMO (fear of missing out).

    Add Something They Can’t Refuse

    If you are a designer, you have one thing your readers want - deep expertise. Share tips to your email list and remind them how talented you are. You will also build trust with those considering your design services. Showcase these freebies in your subject line for bonus points.

    Get Mobile-Friendly

    Most emails are opened on phones, so it’s critical that your email design is mobile responsive to seamlessly adjust regardless of screen size or shape. At Designmodo, you can rest easy knowing that any design you choose is mobile-friendly and will look great.

    Crystal Clear Call-to-Action

    You can offer great tips, timely newsletters, and great promotions but if the next step you want your audience to take isn’t clear, you will lose potential customers.

    Whether your CTA is on a button or a hyperlinked line of text, make that next step clear to get the best results.

  • More Email Design Tips for Design & Decor Industries

    The tips to the side are a great start, but here are even more tips to make sure your email marketing shines brighter than the rest.

    Create Scannable Content

    While some of our most loyal fans read every word of content, many people tend to just skim the important bits. This is why it’s a great idea to bold the most important parts of the text, use bullet lists, and create compelling headlines to grab and keep their attention.

    Use Negative Space Wisely

    White space can create a clean design that allows your readers to breathe, separates important design elements or copy, and helps lock in your reader’s attention where you want it most. You’ll notice that our designs have utilized white space smartly for a clean, professional look.

    Use Original Photos for Memorable Results

    While stock photos are easy, cheap, and can fill in some needed visual elements, you have to admit, they can get kind of boring. Adding photos from your designs adds a layer of authenticity that we highly recommend. We also love a good behind-the-scenes and before-and-after result for design and decor emails. Go ahead, try it out!

    Highlight Social Proof for Impactful Results

    Email marketing is the perfect spot to share social proof with those still learning about you – and seasoned clients alike. Social proof solidifies that you are the best for the job, and have confidence and an unbeatable skillset. For your next social campaign, add a client testimonial or logo from a well-known or local brand you have worked with to build stronger trust.

    Get started with any one of our mobile-response templates and don’t be afraid to try these email marketing pro tips to get the best results.

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