Free Webinar HTML Email Templates

Discover an exclusive collection of free HTML email templates tailored for you to create a professionally designed webinar or conference invitation email. Our templates enhance your webinar invitations, ensuring they capture attention and convey your message effectively. Ideal for event organizers, marketers, and educators, our templates cater to various webinar themes and styles. With our easy-to-use, customizable templates, you can create engaging and professional email invitations that resonate with your audience, boosting your webinar attendance. Elevate your webinar communication with our free, high-quality HTML email templates today.

Where to Edit Webinar Email Templates?

Postcards gives you all the tools you need to start building and customize your Webinar email template for free - from zero to the finished product in just a few minutes.

    • Drag & drop email template builder

      Stack your modules together in order to create the template structure you want.

    • Customize your content with ease

      Add your images, texts and links using the intuitive no-code email editor.

    • Customize the mobile version of your email template

      Effortlessly manage and customize the mobile version of your email templates.

    • Simple export to your email marketing platform

      One-click export the template to Mailchimp, HubSpot or as plain HTML file to upload anywhere.

  • Ready for action.

    Postcards works with your email marketing platform. We’ve tested all our email templates! Export in one click and save hours on HTML coding.

    Try It Now - It’s Free!

    • Hubspot
    • Mailchimp
    • Sendwithus
    • Brevo
    • Marketo
    • ConstantContact
    • Zoho
    • Klaviyo
    • SalesForce
    • Marketo
    • Campaign Monitor
    • Shopify
  • No-Code Email Design and Development

    Postcards is a fully no-code email template builder. All tools within the Postcards editor are visually intuitive and easy to use.

  • Drag & Drop Online Email Editor

    We offer hundreds of pre-made email modules and essential email components that you can drag and drop into your editor and modify.

  • Webinar Responsive Email Templates

    We offer built-in and pre-made Webinar responsive email templates, but if you want to customize how your email template appears on mobile devices, you can do this using our mobile controllers.

  • Speed-up Email Template Production

    Our HTML email templates will accelerate your email design production by 20x. Postcards saves time, allowing you to focus on other email marketing tasks.

  • How to Use Email Marketing to Promote Your Webinar: Part 1

    You’re feeling confident and excited about an upcoming webinar, now it’s time to promote it to your list and others who may be interested. Email marketing is your secret weapon to get in front of more eyes and fan the flames of interest coming up to your event. We have curated a few important tips to keep in mind so that you can plan the best results when using our email templates to promote your webinar.

    Get Your First Impression Just Right

    Your subject line is sometimes the only chance you have to make an impression. Think of your subject line like a movie trailer teaser. You want to entice your audience to click and read more. So how do you create just the perfect subject line? Make it clear what it’s about but a great way to get clicks is to add benefits, a little mystery, or FOMO (fear of missing out - more on that later).

    Craft an Irresistible Invitation

    Your webinar is going to be a fantastic move to create leads and prospects, which is why its important to let your brand voice (or your own personality) shine through. Think approachable and friendly. Use our templates to make this visually appealing and concise, with a can’t-miss CTA (call to action).

    Timing is Everything

    A successful strategy to make the most impact with your email marketing for your event is to create an email sequence. You can use the same general design but alter the text to let your readers know the event is approaching. For instance, if you send an email 4 weeks away, start highlighting how close the event is when it gets closer. You can send another reminder at 2 weeks, one week, two days away, and the day off for a great impact.

  • How to Use Email Marketing to Promote Your Webinar: Part 2

    The tips we have already covered will give you great chances when it comes to email opens and engagement. But there can be a little more to the story! Here are a few more advanced tips if you want to go a little deeper on your webinar campaign.

    Engage Your Readers with a Little Teaser

    There’s nothing like building a little anticipation for your next event through an email series. So what can you share ahead of time without giving it all away? We suggest sharing bite-sized content that’s related to your webinar subject. You can also share some tips or information that will peak their interest, without going into deeper detail.

    Segment Your List to Target Benefits & Highlights

    If you want to take a tip from the email marketing pros when it comes to promoting your next webinar, segment your list! Sending out slightly different emails helps you target pain points you solve or highlights benefits for your audience to personalize the message.

    Sprinkle in Social Proof For-the-Win

    Leveraging social proof helps you showcase how credible you are, and why someone should trust what you say in the first place. That’s why you want to include testimonials or reviews from people who have either attended a webinar in the past or have reviewed your business.

    Create a Sense of Urgency

    Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a powerful tool. That’s because creating a sense or urgency highlights the need to act now. If a reader is on the fence, FOMO can gently nudge this hesitant subscriber to take the next step and sign up.

    After trying these advanced elements, don’t be shy to try something unique or different with a test group or A/B test different messaging techniques to see what resonates best. With our free email templates for webinars, it’s easy to create messages and send them in minutes.

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