Free Plain Text Email Templates

If you love the simplicity of plain text emails, we have you covered with our free text-based email templates created just for you. We help you ditch the fuss and focus on your engaging message, while not skimping on important elements like your signature and your social sharing. Take a look at our collection of plain text templates below. Be sure to check back to our library soon as you will see an ever-increasing selection that fits every need in our full library of free HTML email templates.

Where to Edit Plain Text Email Templates?

Postcards gives you all the tools you need to start building and customize your Plain Text email template for free - from zero to the finished product in just a few minutes.

    • Drag & drop email template builder

      Stack your modules together in order to create the template structure you want.

    • Customize your content with ease

      Add your images, texts and links using the intuitive no-code email editor.

    • Customize the mobile version of your email template

      Effortlessly manage and customize the mobile version of your email templates.

    • Simple export to your email marketing platform

      One-click export the template to Mailchimp, HubSpot or as plain HTML file to upload anywhere.

  • Ready for action.

    Postcards is compatible with every email marketing platform. We've thoroughly tested them to ensure compatibility. You can export easily, saving hours on HTML email coding.

    Try It Now — It’s Free!

    👋 No signup required.

    • Hubspot
    • Mailchimp
    • Sendwithus
    • Brevo
    • Marketo
    • ConstantContact
    • Zoho
    • Klaviyo
    • SalesForce
    • Marketo
    • Campaign Monitor
    • Shopify
  • No-Code Email Design and Development

    Postcards is a fully no-code email template builder. All tools within the Postcards editor are visually intuitive and easy to use.

  • Drag & Drop Online Email Editor

    We offer hundreds of pre-made email modules and essential email components that you can drag and drop into your editor and modify.

  • Plain Text Responsive Email Templates

    We offer built-in and pre-made Plain Text responsive email templates, but if you want to customize how your email template appears on mobile devices, you can do this using our mobile controllers.

  • Speed-up Email Template Production

    Our HTML email templates will accelerate your email design production by 20x. Postcards saves time, allowing you to focus on other email marketing tasks.

  • 3 Reasons to Send Plain Text Email

    Visually appealing emails certainly have their place, but some situations call for simplicity. Here are a few reasons why sending a plain text email may work to your advantage.

    Improve deliverability - Generally, plain text emails carry less risk when it comes to being flagged as spam through email filters. That’s because they are less likely to have formatting and coding mistakes. They are also smaller in size and easier to deliver without all of the extra images, which can be disabled by recipients.

    Plain text email feels authentic - Authenticity is the big theme in marketing this year, and that’s because people are inundated with content through email, text, social, and all the platforms. You can make a plain text email feel more authentic and less “salesy”, which can be the perfect choice when you want to give a more personal and friendly approach.

    The main message is easier to digest - When you have an important or timely message, especially when you want to build trust and loyalty in the later stages of customer engagement, a plain text email is a wonderful way to send a simple and engaging message that is easy to digest. Don’t forget your clear call to action, and you’ll see the best results.

  • 10 Situations to Send a Plain Text Email

    While everyone loves a good email design, there are some situations in which it may be best to use our plain text email templates.

    1. Sending legal documents
    2. Important confirmations
    3. In drip campaigns to provide an authentic, personal feel
    4. To ensure accessibility for everyone
    5. When you want to ensure your email loads quickly with lower spam risk
    6. Your message is short and sweet
    7. Building rapport with your readers
    8. When you need to deliver a message - fast!
    9. When you want to cut through the clutter - plain text emails stand out
    10. Increase engagement rates

    You may be surprised at that last one, but believe it or not, plain text can beat a designed marketing email by 20%. Depending on your marketing goals, plain text can work well for consultants or those who want to develop rapport but perhaps not so good for showcasing your latest fashion release or menu item.

    However, offering a fun coupon or other special with plain text could be a cool way to get more attention. Happy marketing!

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