Free SaaS HTML Email Templates

Find the best free SaaS HTML email templates in our updated collection. Elevate your email marketing game with professionally designed templates to ensure optimal engagement and conversion for your growing SaaS needs. Whether you're promoting expanding services, onboarding new users, or nurturing leads, our SaaS email templates are optimized to deliver impactful results. You can customize effortlessly and leave a lasting impression on your subscribers with our mobile-responsive designs that look great on any device.

Where to Edit SaaS Email Templates?

Postcards gives you all the tools you need to start building and customize your SaaS email template for free - from zero to the finished product in just a few minutes.

    • Drag & drop email template builder

      Stack your modules together in order to create the template structure you want.

    • Customize your content with ease

      Add your images, texts and links using the intuitive no-code email editor.

    • Customize the mobile version of your email template

      Effortlessly manage and customize the mobile version of your email templates.

    • Simple export to your email marketing platform

      One-click export the template to Mailchimp, HubSpot or as plain HTML file to upload anywhere.

  • Ready for action.

    Postcards is compatible with every email marketing platform. We've thoroughly tested them to ensure compatibility. You can export easily, saving hours on HTML email coding.

    Try It Now — It’s Free!

    👋 No signup required.

    • Hubspot
    • Mailchimp
    • Sendwithus
    • Brevo
    • Marketo
    • ConstantContact
    • Zoho
    • Klaviyo
    • SalesForce
    • Marketo
    • Campaign Monitor
    • Shopify
  • No-Code Email Design and Development

    Postcards is a fully no-code email template builder. All tools within the Postcards editor are visually intuitive and easy to use.

  • Drag & Drop Online Email Editor

    We offer hundreds of pre-made email modules and essential email components that you can drag and drop into your editor and modify.

  • SaaS Responsive Email Templates

    We offer built-in and pre-made SaaS responsive email templates, but if you want to customize how your email template appears on mobile devices, you can do this using our mobile controllers.

  • Speed-up Email Template Production

    Our HTML email templates will accelerate your email design production by 20x. Postcards saves time, allowing you to focus on other email marketing tasks.

  • SaaS Email Marketing Tips - Laying the Winning For Foundation

    Going beyond generic messaging to create targeted, impactful results requires you to go beyond generic messaging. Targeted content will resonate with your audience and drive them further through the sales cycle. Here are some tips to lay the best foundation and create the most success with your email marketing.

    #1 Know Who Your Audience Is

    Before you even write the first email, spend some time defining your ideal customer. Create a persona for this customer that goes beyond basic demographics. You want to dive deeper into what makes them tick. What keeps them up at night? What challenges them? These are your customer’s “pain points”. Your headlines and copy will target your audience by connecting to their pain points first, and then demonstrating why you are the best fit.

    #2 Create Value in All Your Content 

    Every email you send out should provide value to your subscribers. Once you understand their pain points and goals, create valuable content that helps them ease some of their challenges, while positioning your service as the best option to solve that saves them time and money in the long run. Use value to demonstrate your expertise, then follow up.

    #3 Segment Your List for Best Targeting

    Of course, not everyone on your list should receive the same emails. New users could get a welcome sequence while those who are up for renewal can get emails highlighting new services or features they haven’t explored.

  • SaaS Email Marketing Tips #2 - Winning More Business

    Understanding who your audience is and targeting them with personalized messages through segmenting a list is a fantastic start. Here are a few more tips to make sure your email campaign keeps building your list and leading to sales.

    #4 Test to Identify the Best Wins

    A simple A/B test can be an easy way to identify wins and refine messaging. Please only test one change at a time, keeping all other factors identical. Here are some elements to A/B test:

    Subject Lines:

    Optimize your subject line by testing different approaches. Your metric with subject line optimization is open rates only.

    Engagement Rate:

    To test an engagement rate, which is how many people clicked on your offer who opened your emails, you can test with a template design, call-to-action language, offer, or images. But remember, only change one element per test for true results.

    #5 Track, Analyze, and Refine

    You don’t need to perform A/B tests to refine your campaigns. Take a look at different comparison points such as comparing campaigns with each other, time comparisons, and offers to glean important insights. What types of content do your customers interact with the most?

    #6 Don’t Put Yourself in a Box

    Send out different types of emails so that you can determine what types of content resonate with your audience. Remember, the goal of content should be to provide value. That way your customers look forward to and open your emails. Only then are truly winning at email marketing.

    Did you offer helpful and concise tips? Fantastic takeaways from a long-form blog? Did you provide a free download, resource, or promotion? These are all great ways to engage and build anticipation with your readers.

    Email marketing remains one of the most powerful forms of marketing, which is why we are so passionate about your success. We are proud to share our stunning templates and can’t wait to hear how they power your success.

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