Free HTML Email Templates for Amazon SES

Check out our collection of free Amazon SES-optimized HTML email templates designed to blow new life into your email marketing campaigns. Ideal for businesses looking forward to using Amazon's Simple Email Service, our email templates are fully customizable and responsive, guaranteeing your messages look stunning on any device. Boost your email marketing to new heights through these easy yet professional Amazon templates, to streamline your targeted communication using Amazon SES.

Where to Edit Amazon SES Email Templates?

Postcards gives you all the tools you need to start building and customize your Amazon SES email template for free - from zero to the finished product in just a few minutes.

    • Drag & drop email template builder

      Stack your modules together in order to create the template structure you want.

    • Customize your content with ease

      Add your images, texts and links using the intuitive no-code email editor.

    • Customize the mobile version of your email template

      Effortlessly manage and customize the mobile version of your email templates.

    • Simple export to your email marketing platform

      One-click export the template to Mailchimp, HubSpot or as plain HTML file to upload anywhere.

  • Ready for action.

    Postcards works with Amazon SES. We’ve tested all our email templates in Amazon SES! Export in one click and save hours on HTML coding.

    Try It Now - It’s Free!

    • Hubspot
    • Mailchimp
    • Sendwithus
    • Brevo
    • Marketo
    • ConstantContact
    • Zoho
    • Klaviyo
    • SalesForce
    • Marketo
    • Campaign Monitor
    • Shopify
  • No-Code Email Design and Development

    Postcards is a fully no-code Amazon SES email template builder. All tools within the Postcards editor are visually intuitive and easy to use.

  • Drag & Drop Online Email Editor

    We offer hundreds of pre-made email modules and essential email components that you can drag and drop into your editor and modify.

  • Amazon SES Responsive Email Templates

    We offer built-in and pre-made Amazon SES responsive email templates, but if you want to customize how your email template appears on mobile devices, you can do this using our mobile controllers.

  • Speed-up Email Template Production

    Our Amazon SES HTML email templates will accelerate your email design production by 20x. Postcards saves time, allowing you to focus on other email marketing tasks.

  • Ways to Build Successful Amazon SES Email Marketing Results

    Amazon SES can be an impactful yet highly cost-effective tool for sending email marketing campaigns. These tips below can ensure your emails reach your recipient, resonate with your audience, and build your brand.

    Boost Your Reputation as an Amazon Seller

    Building trust is a huge part of an email campaign and earning repeat business. Having a strong sender reputation is crucial. Our templates follow all the best practices to ensure your emails look great on any device and our HTML design with clean code won’t throw any red flags.

    You will also want to avoid any spammy practices and maintain a clean email list to build trust with email providers. How can you maintain a clean email list?

    • Always include the option for your subscribers to unsubscribe.
    • Include a double opt-in if you are unsure about the quality of your list.
    • Consider subdomains for marketing vs transactional emails.
    • Send relevant emails and offers, and give options so that your subscribers can choose what communications they sign up for.

    Remember, the more transparent you are, the more you will build trust.

    Personalize and Segment Your List

    Segmenting your audience through data that you have compiled can be a smart way to send relevant emails and target your messaging to reach the right audience at the right time.

    You can use previous browsing activity, including what they’ve left in their cart to send follow-up emails that sweeten the deal or remind them what they’re missing.

  • Analytics & Optimizations Can Make Your Amazon Selling a Success

    Amazon has seller tools that help you learn more about what works and what doesn’t. Here are a few more ways to build a marketing campaign that gets pretty cool results while taking advantage of what the platform has to offer.

    Track Performance & Adjust

    Amazon SES analytics tracks key metrics for you like open rate, CTR (click-through rates), and bounce rates. While all of this may seem a bit overwhelming if you’re unfamiliar with marketing, these metrics all communicate something different about your campaign and can help you hone in the right strategy over time.

    Here’s what to keep in mind:

    • Open rates indicate your subject line power.
    • Bounce rates indicate your list health.
    • CTR indicate how good your offer is!

    Don’t be afraid to use the A/B testing tools. You may be wondering where to start when it comes to testing. You can test anything including subject lines, content messaging, button text, and even your offer itself. Just remember to only change one thing in an A/B test at a time, otherwise, you will skew your results and never know what made a difference.

    Now a few final words about optimizations. If your email is doing well, consider how it could do even better by analyzing your data and remain flexible. Don’t always try the same things just because they’ve worked before. Test, try new things, and always optimize for results.

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